Episode #16: Debra Sloss is joined by biomedical writer Evelyn Strauss and Psychotherapist Jeanne Willis, LMFT to talk about recovery from eating disorders, specifically, Anorexia Nervosa. At age 15 and just six months into a diet that Evelyn had embarked upon to shed some weight, she found she was no longer in control. Instead, her diet and the disordered thinking it had triggered were now directing her. Evelyn shares how she worked her way out of the physical and psychological manifestations of anorexia through a self-created and unconventional path. By facing her fear of being fat, she made lasting peace with food and her body. In the process, she gained wisdom about how to heal herself that she utilizes to this day. Jeanne, a psychotherapist who specializes in eating disorders, educates us about the types and prevalence of these conditions, dispels commonly held myths, discusses the types of treatments available, and shares resources to help support recovery.
Broadcast: 3/1/20
Special thanks to Jeanne Baldzikowski for audio production, and to Jennifer Young, who assists with research and outreach. And finally, thanks to acoustic guitarist Adrian Legg for composing, performing, and donating the use of our theme music.
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We are adding this new segment to the show and we want to hear your stories! So give us a call at 831-824-4324 and leave a 1-3 minute message about: a mental health experience you’ve had or something that has contributed to your mental health recovery journey; or share a resource that has helped you. Your voice may just become part of one of our future shows!
If you or someone you know has topic ideas for future shows or a story of mental health recovery to share, please email me at debra.stateofmind@ksqd.org
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Local Treatment Program
The Lotus Collaborative Eating Disorder Treatment Center (TLC) in Santa Cruz. TLC also provides a range of services, including three outpatient programs and two inpatient programs. All of TLC services can be found at www.lotuscollaborative.com.
- Also TLC offers two FREE support groups on Sundays 1:00-2:30 PM, one for peers and the other for family and supporters, with an option of lunchtime meal support for peers at noon. RSVP at SundaysRSVPsc@gmail.com.
- Eating Disorder Anonymous offers a FREE and open “Recover with Love” support group at The Lotus Collaborative Building on Mondays at 6:30-7:30pm. The group is open to anyone who desires to recover from an eating disorder is welcome, regardless of sexual orientation. Contact Beth for questions or more information:
email: http://recoverwithloveeda@gmail.com
website: http://eatingdisordersanonymous.org/meetings/?tsml-region=santa-cruz-ca.
NEDA: Information on misconceptions about eating disorders
National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures and access to quality care. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/busting-myths-about-eating-disorders
The Body is Not An Apology (TBINAA) is an international movement committed to cultivating global Radical Self Love and Body Empowerment. They provide information dissemination, personal and social transformation projects and community building, The Body is Not An Apology fosters global, radical, unapologetic self love, which translates to radical human love and action in service toward a more just, equitable, and compassionate world. https://thebodyisnotanapology.com/
The TBINAA online community is designed to give you the functions and fun of other social networking websites without body shame and body censorship. https://thebodyisnotanapology.com/community/?redirect_to=/community/activity/
Trans Folx Fighting Eating Disorders (T-FEED)
T-FFED is a collective of trans/gender diverse folx and allies building awareness of Gender Diversity in Eating Disorders. https://www.transfolxfightingeds.org/
The Body Positive teaches individuals, educators, student leaders, and treatment providers research-based principles for positive body image through online and customized in-person trainings. www.TheBodyPositive.org
The Obsession: Reflections on the Tyranny of Slenderness By Kim Chernin
A deeply committed and beautifully written analysis of our society’s increasing demand that women be thin.
Introduction to the Internal Family Systems Model By Richard Schwartz
A way of understanding and treating human problems that is empowering, effective, and nonpathologizing.
Mindfulness Support
Talks and meditations with Tara Brach: A website with Tara Brach’s teachings, guided meditations, and other resources. Her approach blends Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices, mindful attention to our inner life, and a full, compassionate engagement with our world. www.tarabrach.org
Family Service Agency (FSA) of the Central Coast is a dedicated underwriter of State of Mind. FSA provides resources, support, and counseling services to adults and children. FSA believes in the power and potential of people of all ages and backgrounds to discover their own creative solutions and welcomes people of diverse cultures, genders, sexual orientations, ages, faiths, socio-economic backgrounds. FSA Counseling Offices offer Medi-Cal, Medicare, and low-cost, sliding scale services in both downtown Santa Cruz 831-423-9444 x200 and in Soquel 831-346-6767 x200.
This interview about Anorexia Nervosa was outstanding and really helped shed understanding and hope on this very serious eating disorder. Debra you have a very nurturing voice as you moderated and asked excellent questions. The guests were extremely knowledgeable and Evelyn kept it very real. I appreciated Jeanne’s advice to not tell someone that they don’t look like they have an eating disorder, but rather to say tell me more. How can I support you.
Well done!
We are so glad to hear you enjoyed the show and found it to be of value! And thank you for your vote of confidence!
Thank you, Debra. That was very engaging and informative — especially learning (1) that anorexia is not just an eating issue and how important it is to treat the co-occurring disorder, (2) how helpful it was for Evelyn to be treated like normal by her brother, and (3) what to say to someone with an eating disorder. Thank you for the show.
Dear Elizabeth, Thank you! We are so glad to hear you enjoyed the show and found specific points to be helpful and of value for you.
Such an interesting program. Thank you for sharing such a personal and in depth account of anexoria.
Hi Daniella,
Thanks for tuning in and letting us know that you were touched by this show. It means a lot to us to hear from our listeners!
I learned a lot listening to this episode. Especially important to me was when Evelyn shared about people treating the symptoms (weight loss/gain) rather than talking to her about her mental state and underlying feelings.
Dear Sumita,
Thank you for letting us know you found this show to be helpful. It means so much for us to hear from our listeners and know that our work is having value for you! If you continue to listen and are moved by another show, please consider calling in to our “In Your Voice” phone line (831) 824-4324 and leave us a 1-3 minute message and your voice might just make it into one of our future shows!
The podcast gave a lucid account of eating disorders in two ways: 1. Evelyn’s personal account of her eating disorder, and 2. The professional viewpoint about Evelyn’s account. How informative to have these side by side!
Dear Elaine,
Thank you so much for offering your meaningful feedback about this show. We are so glad to hear you found the format of the personal story along with with the professional viewpoint to be informative. That’s our hope and we really appreciate hearing from listeners like yourself! If you continue to listen and are moved by another show, please consider calling in to our “In Your Voice” phone line (831) 824-4324 and leave us a 1-3 minute message and your voice might just make it into one of our future shows!
This was an AMAZING podcast. I have a professional and personal interest in learning about eating disorders. Evelyn’s journey was truly remarkable. Debra’s voice was so soothing. I loved every minute of this. Thank you!
Dear Chris,
We are so happy to hear you found this show to be of value both professionally and personally! If you are in the mental health field, we hope you will stay with us and keep listing and please consider sharing them with your clients and/or patients.