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Tower of Song

Tower of Song

The Gypsy Scholar will be presenting his third installment for the Celtic/Neopagan festival of Samhain this Monday at 12 a.m., November 13th. Tune and find out about such things as the Celtic Otherworld and its denizens who engage in the "Wild Hunt" at this time of...

More Than 50 Local Musicians Archived Interviews Available Online

More Than 50 Local Musicians Archived Interviews Available Online

KSQD's Andy Fuhrman, host of the weekly Tuesday 11am-1pm Brooklynbilly Music Mashup show has been providing air-time for local musicians to showcase their music, discuss the journey to where they and where they plan to go. We're fortunate to live in Santa Cruz and the...

Sustainability Now! Sunday, November 12th: Replanting Burned over Sequoia Groves in the Sierras, with Dr. Christy Brigham, National Park Service, and Dr. Chad Hanson, John Muir Project

Sustainability Now! Sunday, November 12th: Replanting Burned over Sequoia Groves in the Sierras, with Dr. Christy Brigham, National Park Service, and Dr. Chad Hanson, John Muir Project

Replanting Burned over Sequoia Groves in the Sierras Sustainability Now! Sunday, November 12th, 5-6 PM Sequoias are among the oldest living things on Earth, and most of the world’s sequoias are in Sequoia and King’s Canyon National Parks. Since 2020, according to the...

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Malcolm Harris, Author of "Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism and the World"

Malcolm Harris, Author of “Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism and the World”

COMING ATTRACTION - Tune in Monday, 7/15/24, at 6PM for Moment of Truth with Ami Chen Mills, with guest host, ...
FirstPersonSingular: Alan Ritch - Montana Wildfire

FirstPersonSingular: Alan Ritch – Montana Wildfire

Alan Ritch remembers the worst Montana wildfire ...
FirstPersonSingular: Laurie Corn - The Stork

FirstPersonSingular: Laurie Corn – The Stork

Laurie Corn remembers her sister. Photo courtesy of Soumadeep Sas ...
Musician Jake Xerxes Fussel on New Squid in Town: Thursday July 11 at 1:30pm

Musician Jake Xerxes Fussel on New Squid in Town: Thursday July 11 at 1:30pm

Jake Xerxes Fussel joins David Bean at 1:30pm this Thursday, July 11, during New Squid in Town. Jake is releasing ...
Vachu Adu brings healing sound to heal, awaken, and ground us in our natural heritage

Vachu Adu brings healing sound to heal, awaken, and ground us in our natural heritage

Vachu Adu is an eclectic project of ancient instrumentation and sound. The musical performing duo, consisting of Machu Didgeridoos and ...
When Your Mind Doesn't Paint a Picture with Paulina Trevena, PhD

When Your Mind Doesn’t Paint a Picture with Paulina Trevena, PhD

When your mind doesn't generate images, how does that affect your dreaming? Aphantasia affects as much as 5% of the ...