Talk of the Bay from KSQD
Firewise organizes neighbors for fire safety

As summer heats up and dries out, fire is on everyone’s minds. We hear about the state plans for fire mitigation and how Cal Fire tackles ongoing fires, but what about everyday citizens? It’s easy to feel helpless, especially after last year’s devastating fires in this county. But our Central Fire District is here to help you feel proactive.

Moving away from the punitive system of citing homeowners for infractions, local fire officials are now promoting Firewise, a community education and organization tool. Host Suki Wessling welcomes Marco Mack, Deputy Fire Marshal at Central Fire District of Santa Cruz County, who discusses Santa Cruz County’s fire risks and what individuals can do to help.

Most importantly, we discuss the power of community. Neighbors can support each other by initiating Firewise in their neighborhoods. As a small group of neighbors gets educated about fire risks in their very immediate environment, all neighbors benefit.

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Thanks to Kevin Painchaud for his photography.