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Neurodiversity: Thriving as an Autistic Adult

Neurodiversity: Thriving as an Autistic Adult

Episode 66: Join us for an enlightening discussion on adult autism with Lou Ursa and Jasmeen Miah, both psychotherapists and self-advocates on the autistic spectrum. In this conversation, we confront stereotypes, share personal stories, and offer heartwarming examples of thriving with autism. With diagnoses on the rise, we all can engage in meaningful conversations about autism, explore how societal structures shape perceptions of “disability” and offer empathy, understanding and inclusion.

Bulletproof: Be Fearless and Resilient No Matter What

Bulletproof: Be Fearless and Resilient No Matter What

Ami Chen Mills interviews Chantal Burns, author of the books Bulletproof: Be Fearless and Resilient No Matter What, and Instant Motivation. Burns is based in England and deeply climate aware. She is working in her own community (St. Albans) toward emotional and...

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FirstPersonSingular: Olga Cossi - Special Job

FirstPersonSingular: Olga Cossi – Special Job

The late Olga Cossi needed a special friend for a special job. Photo courtesy of Florian Doppler ...
The Tower of Song Presents a Leonard Cohen Birthday Tribute

The Tower of Song Presents a Leonard Cohen Birthday Tribute

Tune in at 12 a.m., Monday, September 16th, and hear the Gypsy Scholar present his annual Leonard Cohen Birthday Tribute ...
Shapiro at Large: Mondays 11am-1pm

Shapiro at Large: Mondays 11am-1pm

Shapiro At Large Mondays at 11 AM. No genre, no era, is off limits in this eclectic, upbeat mix. It’s a ...
Under the Moon: Midnight Mondays

Under the Moon: Midnight Mondays

Join me, Melissa Martine, Under the Moon where we’ll jam out in the dark. Together we’ll dance and chill to ...
Judy Collins Comes to Santa Cruz

Judy Collins Comes to Santa Cruz

Judy Collins recently performed in Santa Cruz. I was able to catch up with her and talk about her history ...
RFK Jr. and His Supporters - Talk of the Bay

RFK Jr. and His Supporters – Talk of the Bay

This episode of Talk of the Bay includes bonus material gathered by Nyanko Nyasu. It includes the perspectives of Robert ...