Tag: Anxiety

Teens with Anxiety (remix)

Episode 61: At present, nearly one in three adolescents will meet criteria for an anxiety disorder by the age of 18. In this episode, we’re joined by college student Elena Shain, who courageously shares her story of navigating severe anxiety since childhood. She tells how, together with her family and her service dog, she has gained knowledge about herself and developed skills to better manage her life. Also with us is psychologist Sheilah Siegel, Ph.D., who provides information about teen anxiety symptoms, coping strategies, treatment approaches and shares resources.

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Part II: Parenting Teens with Anxiety

Ep. 20: Continuing our series on Teens with Anxiety, we focus this time on the parenting experience. Guests discuss warning signs, ways to talk with your teen, strategies and approaches to support teens with anxiety. The impact the coronavirus pandemic is having on teens is also discussed. To learn more, listen to last month’s show Part 1: Teens with Anxiety (Ep. 19).

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Part I: Teens with Anxiety

Ep. 19: We hear from a college student about navigating severe anxiety since childhood, her placement in a residential treatment program and learning to work with her family to developed skills for life. Learn more about teen anxiety symptoms, tips for managing symptoms and get new resources. You may also want to check out Part 2 in this series: Parenting Teens with Anxiety (Ep. 20).

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Demystifying Postpartum Depression & Anxiety

Ep. 13: Perinatal Depression & Anxiety (PPD) is a mood disorder that affects about 12.5% of women in the US after childbirth. Our guest shares her experience of debilitating PPD after the birth of her twins, how she sought treatment, found support, and wended her way back to wellness and joy in parenting. Learn more about PPD, who’s at risk, and how to get help.

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