Episode #13: Debra Sloss is joined by Laura Vollset & Maggie Muir to discuss Perinatal Depression & Anxiety (PPD). Laura shares her experience of having had debilitating PPD after the birth of her twins. She sought treatment, found support, and wended her way to back to wellness and joy in parenting. Maggie Muir, a Licensed Psychotherapist, Board Certified Lactation Consultant, and Perinatal Support Group Leader describes what PPD is, who is at risk, and how and where mothers and family members can get help. She explains that PPD continues to be underrecognized, underdiagnosed, and poorly treated. Maggie shares up-to-date information about comprehensive treatment approaches that reduce risks for mothers and babies.
Broadcast Date: 12/1/19
Special thanks to my co-producer Lauren Fein for her organizational & technical expertise along with her general wizardry to help bring this show to you. Also, thanks to Jennifer Young who has joined the SoM team to assist with research and outreach. And finally, thanks to acoustic guitarist Adrian Legg for composing, performing and donating the use of our theme music.
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WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU…if you or someone you know has an experience to share.
We’re adding a segment to the SoM radio show in which we feature the voices of our listeners on the topic we are discussing. So, if you have an experience, a resource, or advice to share with our listeners, please call and leave a message; you might just be in one of our upcoming shows!
CALL: 831-824-4323 and leave a 1-3 minute message including your name, why you are calling and what you want to share. Upcoming topics include: Mental Health Effects of Lyme Disease; Parenting Transgender Youth; Grandparents raising their grandchildren; Eating Disorders, Teens & Addictions
If you or someone you know has topic ideas for future shows or a story of mental health recovery to share, please email me at debra.stateofmind@ksqd.org
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Support Groups:
Postpartum Wellness Support Group
Mondays 10-11:30 at Sutter Maternity & Surgery Center, 2900 Chanticleer Ave. Santa Cruz, CA 95065
This group is for any mother who has concerns about her well-being postpartum and is open to all mothers in Santa Cruz County regardless where you gave birth. Babies in arms are welcome (up to a year of age.) The group is drop-in and free. For more info, please call: Maggie Muir, LMFT 831-239-1901 or Genine Leighton, LMFT 831- 331-4498
Speak Up Santa Cruz
This is the website of the Perinatal Mental Health Coalition of Santa Cruz County. It contains resources and information in English and Spanish for families navigating their way to wellness, healing from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.
Postpartum Support International
www.postpartum.net Warmline: 1-800-944-4773
Website and warmline are both in English and Spanish. The PSI website contains comprehensive information and resources for mothers and families healing from perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. This warmline can be a lifeline for a new mother and her family.
Santa Cruz Birth Network
Includes comprehensive listing of local resources for new families: postpartum doulas, holistic care providers, yoga, etc.
Santa Cruz Parents of Multiples
Santa Cruz Parents of Multiples (formerly Santa Cruz Mothers of Twins Club) is a place to get support, make new friendships and connect with other parents of multiples.
Mama’s Comfort Camp
Mama’s Comfort Camp is a free and private Facebook with a focus on self-Kindness, self-care, and everything that gets in the way.
Nursing Mothers Counsel
Offers phone and online Support in Santa Cruz County and beyond
– free phone consultation for urgent help with breastfeeding
– free online non-urgent lactation support with peer breastfeeding counselors
– low-cost, hospital-grade pump rentals and supplies
Perinatal Trained Care Providers:
Kathryn Johnson, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner 831-425-3337
Genine Leighton LMFT, Licensed Psychotherapist 831-566-6830
website: http://genineleighton.com/specialties/perinatalpostpartum/ email: genine@genineleighton.com
Family Service Agency (FSA) of the Central Coast is a dedicated underwriter of State of Mind. FSA provides resources, support, and counseling services to adults and children. FSA believes in the power and potential of people of all ages and backgrounds to discover their own creative solutions and welcomes people of diverse cultures, genders, sexual orientations, ages, faiths, socio-economic backgrounds. FSA Counseling Offices offer Medi-Cal, Medicare, and low-cost, sliding scale services in both downtown Santa Cruz 831-423-9444 x200 and in Soquel 831-346-6767 x200.