Almost all of us carry a piece of the Congo with us – in our smart phones, tablets, or laptops. Yet very few of us know how that piece came to be in our pockets, the human cost of its acquisition, or the story of how the current situation came to be.
The tropical rainforest of the Congo River watershed sequesters more carbon than the Amazon, and yet there is little international recognition of its importance in combatting climate change.
Maurice Carney is co-founder and Executive Director of the Friends of the Congo. He has worked with Congolese for over twenty-five years in their struggle for peace, justice and human dignity.
Mr. Carney possesses two bachelor’s degrees, a masters degree and is pursuing a Ph.D. in political science. He has worked with civic associations in West Africa providing training on research methodology and survey. He served as the interim Africa working group coordinator for Rev. Jesse Jackson when he served as Special Envoy to Africa. Mr. Carney has worked as a research analyst for the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and as a research consultant for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.