Barbara Condron speaks with Katherine about her journey through her father’s dementia and death and the dreams: both his and hers, that guided her through the process. We speak about human mythology in the modern age, the idea of “neither, either, both” and about what silence means to us as humans. We then speak about the School of Metaphysics and the language of the mind. Barbara speaks about children’s dreams and how to speak to them about the dreams. She also recommends that parents give their kids the gift of listening to and recording their dreams in a journal that they can receive once they are old enough to record them for themselves.
We take a call from local astrologer Esther Frances who has words of appreciation for us about the wisdom that we were sharing. After the caller, Barbara speaks about Amy Hardie and her film The Edge of Dreaming (links below) and about how what we are going through in the world right now is a birth: messy but transformational. Barbara ends by reading the passage she was reading for her father during the moments of his last breath which comes from The Nectar of Self Awareness by Jnaneshwar.
BIO: Barbara Condron is a Renaissance Woman in changing times. Author. Artist. Composer. Dreamtime Journalist. Peace Mentor. Polymath. Barbara became serious about dreaming when she awoke at age 6 in a nightmare about her father. That dream connected with her father’s dementia dreaming 60 years later. As head of Mind Linguistics at the College of Metaphysics in the US, Barbara translated 25,000 dreams for people in 38 countries. She’ll be sharing what she has learned about Self awareness, the importance of public myths, and crossing over from one life into the next.
Contact Barbara at the following links:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bg.
YouTube: Master Living
After I graduated university, I read a book called DREAMS: YOUR MAGIC MIRROR. It was published in 1974. The author, Elsie Sechrist based the book on readings from Edgar Cayce, who she knew personally. It was a quantum leap in my quest to understand dreamtime because it gave me insight into how thinking occurs beyond the accepted boundaries of human thought. – Barbara Condron
And here is some art that Barbara made around her dad’s passing. The first is titled Dad in Valhalla and the second Underwater.
Barbara mentions the work of Amy Hardie. Here are some links to a trailer about her film The Edge of Dreaming and some commentary on it:
‘The Edge of Dreaming’ Community Screenings at Schools of Metaphysics Next Week
Finally here is the link to a video Barbara created to honor those last moments with her dad. The Nectar of Self Awareness by Jnaneshwar. It is a romantic notion, fulfilled in sleep, death, dreams.
We play clips from two guest-selected songs: Sound of Silence by Disturbed and Silent House by The Dixie Chicks
Live ambient music by Rick Kleffel.
Show aired on July 24, 2021.
The Dream Journal is produced at and airs on KSQD Santa Cruz, 90.7 FM, streaming live at KSQD.org 10-11am Saturday mornings Pacific time. Catch it live and call in with your dreams or questions at 831-900-5773 or at onair@ksqd.org.
If you want to contact Katherine Bell with feedback, suggestions for future shows or to inquire about exploring your own dreams with her, contact katherine@ksqd.org, or find out more about her at ExperientialDreamwork.com.
The complete KSQD Dream Journal podcast page is found here.
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