“From Divide-and-Conquer to Unite and Prevail”
Tune in to “Be Bold America!” Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 5:00pm
“We the people must oversee what our overseers have been overlooking.” — Swami Beyondananda
Now that the most toxic election of our lifetime seems to be resolved, let us congratulate ourselves on making the better of two binary choices, to take our country back from self-serving lies, divisive meanness, and autocratic rule. We have excised the malignancy, and now we must deal with the chronic heart disease that allowed the opportunistic infection to take hold.
We now face the even more challenging task of taking our country forward. This cannot be done by one political party, or even a faction of a political party. It requires cultivating a “sane and sacred center” that reflects the virtues and values that the 90% of us who aren’t sociopaths hold dear and have been unable to assert because of the toxic divisiveness that has characterized our “bi-polar” political system.
Fortunately, we have the ways and means to turn the ideal into the real deal, if we intentionally use the next four years as a transition period from oligarchic rule to self-governance.
Interview Guest:
Wiki Politiki host Steve Bhaerman is a writer, author, and humorist, who’s spent the past 30 years writing and performing in the guise of cosmic comic Swami Beyondananda. Swami’s comedy has been described both as “comedy disguised as wisdom” and “wisdom disguised as comedy.” Noted author Marianne Williamson has called Steve / Swami “the Mark Twain of our times.” Prior to launching his career as the Swami, Steve was an educator, author and publisher. He started an alternative high school in Washington, D.C.
A political science major (and no, he never did get to dissect a politician in poly sci lab), Steve has always been a “political solutionary” looking to apply what he learned about holistic health to “the body politic.” In 2009, he co-authored a book with cellular biologist Bruce H. Lipton, Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here (Hay House), where the chapter “Re-Discovering America” looks at the spiritual and Native American influences in the founding of the United States, and the chapter “Healing the Body Politic” highlights promising solutions for the present and future.