Good News Santa Cruz
30 x 30 with Paul Schaafsma

On Thursday April 29, Pauline Seales talked with Paul Schaafsma, local Climate science researcher and activist about the proposed UN Global Deal for Nature (GDN) also known as 30×30.

Paul explained that this plan calls for nations of the world to preserve AT LEAST 30% of land and 30% of the ocean. This is essential for biodiversity and especially for climate stabilization. Right now the deforestation in the Amazon is starting to reduce the formation of the usual rain clouds and the area will become grassland unless fast action is taken. This would release vast amounts of Carbon Dioxide and destabilize the climate of the entire planet.

However Paul was anxious to stress that this is NOT YET IRREVERSIBLE!

The most important immediate steps climate activists can take:

1) Learn  more by visiting, which provides a wealth of information, up to date and easy to navigate
2) Bring up 30×30 every time you talk about the climate crisis in your social network
3) If you’re part of an climate advocacy group, help put 30×30 at the top of its agenda.
4) US leadership is essential to making 30×30 happen: make sure you are part of that.
You can have nothing at all to do with the climate crisis and be a passionate supporter of 30×30 for preserving as much of the abundance and variety of life on Earth as possible.
At this website Paul has assembled more than 40 relevant articles and videos on many aspects of the problem.

Preserving the oceans is also an important part of 30×30 –  especially stopping bottom trawling which releases huge amounts of CO2.





The Congo Basin is also a cause for concern as the rainforest contains vast areas of peat which will release copious amounts of CO2 if they dry out.




The US (and all ‘developed’ countries) need to join the High Ambition Coalition, an intergovernmental effort to make 30×30 a reality.
“Sign a letter to the co-chairs (Costa Rica and France) expressing support for the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People and its goals.
Commit to promoting future efforts and endeavors by the Coalition to create momentum towards the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
Engage in actions ranging from signing declarations, to holding press conferences and recruiting numerous countries to join.”