As Andy Carman began winding down his private practice as a psychologist, he searched for ways to make a difference addressing the many environmental challenges we face. Impressed by the work of our numerous dedicated local environmental groups, he looked at how to publicize their many educational and volunteer opportunities, so that everyone can know how they can participate.
Seven years ago he created Environteers.org, whose mission is to make it easy to keep informed and take action to protect and restore our environment. Today the Environteers website and Weekly Update newsletter promote the activities of the 100+ environmental organizations and institutions in Santa Cruz. The Update is the environmental newsletter for Santa Cruz County. The Update always has beautiful photos, fascinating & informative articles, compelling action items, good news, and it’s free!
Bruce Van Allen is a software developer and political consultant for local progressive campaigns and organizing efforts. Bruce served as Mayor of Santa Cruz in the early 1980s, and is currently serving as President of the Santa Cruz County Board of Education. He developed the Santa Cruz Community Calendar to promote connection and community in our region.