On September 9, 2021 Pauline Seales talked to Tiffany Wise-West, city of Santa Cruz Sustainability and Climate Action Manager.
They discussed the previous climate action plan and the update in process right now for 2030. Other topics included the new IPCC report on Climate Change and the current climate situation.
Key methods in the new plan include involving the public in a variety of ways, and especially focussing on equity by specifically including under-represented groups.
A short climate action goals survey has just been released and people are encouraged to take this survey
Take the Climate Action Plan 2030 Goal Setting Survey through October 8, 2021! Spanish version available on 9/9/2021!
Climate Educational Resources
These and other materials are posted at the city Climate Action Page and you can sign up for notifications for the 2030 plan.
Stay up to date with the Climate Action Program by following on social media!
@city_of_santa_cruz on Instagram
@CityofSantaCruz on Twitter
Additional resources at sccruzclimate.org