Craig Webb is an author, physicist, and dream-inspired musician. Craig is a widely-traveled speaker involved with pioneering lucid dream research at Stanford University. He designed lucid dream induction technology which has been sold worldwide and has also created peak performance devices and unique multimedia performance tools. His book, The Dreams Behind the Music, reveals little-known dreams that inspired great success for over 100 famous artists, and highlights principles and techniques anyone can use to harvest their own dreams for significant breakthroughs.
Show aired on April 25, 2020.
The Dream Journal is produced at and airs on KSQD Santa Cruz, 90.7 FM, streaming live at KSQD.org 10-11am Saturday mornings Pacific time. Catch it live and call in with your dreams or questions at 831-900-5773.
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If you want to contact Katherine Bell with feedback, suggestions for future shows or to inquire about exploring your own dreams with her, contact katherine@ksqd.org, or find out more about her at ExperientialDreamwork.com.