The Dream Journal with Dr. Darren Jakubec: Thriving Not Just Surviving
Dr. Darren Jakubec lives in Smithers BC Canada. He is an anesthetist with 23 years practicing family medicine in many locations in rural Canada in office, emergency room and pain clinic settings. Jake has had a personal dream practice for 8 years and has integrated...
Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Update
The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary is full of superlatives. The deepest underwater canyon, the most sea otters, and more. But it faces challenges, both politically and environmentally. Designated in 1992, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary is a federally...
The Power of Participatory Democracy
In this Good News Santa Cruz program Christine Barrington interviews political scientist Paul Schaarfsma about the power of participatory democracy to reclaim and rejuvenate civil action from the local level all the way to Washington D.C. Paul Schaarfsma is a UCSC...
Ruth Hunter – Angels in the Desert
Ruth Hunter recalls the eighties in which no matter the political beliefs, people of No More Deaths stood up for immigrants in Arizona.
Ed Weingold – SC Under Siege
Ed Weingold says, "Santa Cruz is under siege."
What Does It Take To Be A Santa Cruz Naturalist?
This week on Santa Cruz Naturalist we chat with Chris Lay, the director of the Ken Norris Center for Natural History at UC Santa Cruz. Chris tells us a little about one of Santa Cruz's most influential naturalists, Ken Norris, as we walk through the redwoods...
Sylvia Patience – Singing
Sylvia Patience shares how singing changed and fills her life. Highlighting experiences a with the Santa Cruz Peace Chorale.
"I would love it if people felt the freedom and curiosity and the joy to read poetry as a process of exploration and discovery and playfulness." This is the seventh episode of Story Behind the Story, a monthly interview series featuring conversations with authors...
The Dream Journal: Sharon Reinbott, Re-Imagining Christianity
Sharon Reinbott has been working with her dreams for over ten years. She describes dream work as the "single most growth-producing, healing, and spiritually arduous" modality she has ever used. In 2013, she retired from a long career and began to re-imagine...
The Great Turning: Dr. Craig Schindler on Choosing Hope
What will it take for humanity to shift its consciousness in order not to destroy itself and the rest of the planet? Dr. Craig Schindler has some ideas and shares them in this interview on Talk of the Bay. Craig Schindler was my professor back in the mid-eighties in...
Public Banking Progress Discussion
Debora Bone talks with guest Erica Stanojevic about Public Banking. Erica is a former elementary school teacher, mother of a seven year old son, and a dedicated activist working locally and regionally to support system change by shifting how public money is invested....
Jason Scorse – Plant-Based Future
Jason Scorse says plant-based is the future.
Peregrine Falcons: Back from the Brink
This week on Santa Cruz Naturalist we talk with Dr. Zeka Glucs, Director of Santa Cruz Predatory Bird Research Group. She tells us about their work with monitoring Peregrine Falcons, how they learn about them, and what sorts of behaviors they exhibit in the wild. Come...
Nisa – Religion
Nissa learns to appreciate Christianity.
The Film Gang Review: The Peanut Butter Falcon
“Friends are the family we choose.” That simple aphorism, offered by a character played by Bruce Dern, perfectly encapsulates the central theme of South By Southwest’s Audience Award-winning indie film, The Peanut Butter Falcon. Written and directed by...