Talk of the Bay from KSQD
Rebuilding After CZU: Resources and Reflections

On Talk of the Bay, Monday, September 20, 2021 Christine Barrington hosts two locals who lost their homes in the CZU wildfire. The devastation to the soil and infrastructure, along with the financial impacts due increased demand and supply chain interruptions from Covid have exponentially complicated the rebuild process.

Guests Andy Fuhrman and Steve Homan share resources for navigating permitting and insurance hurdles based on their personal experiences.

Resources mentioned in this program:

United Policy Holders United Policyholders is a non-profit whose mission is to be a trustworthy and useful information resource and a respected voice for consumers of all types of insurance in all 50 states. We don’t take money from insurance companies. We give you the straight scoop. Guide you on buying insurance and navigating claims. Fight for your rights. For support with your claim you can contact them at:  UPHELP.ORG

The Boulder Creek Recreation Department has been holding regular gatherings for those who experienced home loss. They have a local person as a designated United Policy Holder representative.  You can contact BC Rec at this number: 831-338-4144