Jane Meredith Daugherty remembers how she wanted a message from her mother.
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About The Author
Mathilde Rand and Laurie Corn
Mathilde Rand: December of 2008, I became part of the First Person Singular Team at KUSP (at that point we were five). During the last months of KUSP in 2016, I was the last hold-out. Now I am providing the same 2-minute program at KSQD, Community Radio, because I wholeheartedly believe in giving community members a voice. I am also the treasurer at KSQD. LAURIE CORN: I am attracted to the process of reducing a meaningful story or opinion to 90 seconds. I am a writer, so editing and honing a piece is a special love of mine. I have joined Mathilde Rand as co-producer of First Person Singular, and I encourage you to share your commentary on the air. This is community radio at its best.
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