Savarna Wiley MA has worked as a hospice chaplain and end-of life educator since 1998. A Clinical Hypnotherapist she maintains a private practice in the Santa Cruz area drawing on transpersonal psychology and other holistic methods that go beyond the conscious mind for finding wellbeing. Savarna teaches advanced hypnotic modalities for The Newton Institute and is an author in the field of consciousness. As a hospice chaplain, Savarna has witnessed that healing is possible when a person has a dream or vision of the numinous realm. ”Sometimes a dream is the best medicine- a dream can give a felt sense of an abiding benevolence, a deep peace and an appreciation for the continuity of consciousness beyond the physical form.”
You can get in touch with Savarna Wiley at her web page:
Savarna Wiley was a Chaplain with Hospice of Santa Cruz County.
You can learn more about Lives between Lives Hypnotherapy here: NewtonInstitute.org Dr. Newton’s first book is called Journey of Souls.
The quote which we played during the show of Jeanne recounting her near death dreams comes from the following YouTube video beginning at 11:32.
You can access The Dream Journal program page here.
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If you want to contact Katherine Bell with feedback, suggestions for future shows or to inquire about exploring your own dreams with her, contact katherine@ksqd.org
ExperientialDreamwork.com is Katherine’s web page