Be Bold, America!
“Dangerous and Unprincipled: Fox News”

“Dangerous and Unprincipled: Fox News”

Tune in to “Be Bold America!” Sunday, January 17 2021 at 5:00pm

“Like someone dying of thirst in the desert, conservatives drank heavily from the Fox waters.” – Bruce Bartlett, 2015

There is a difference between news and propaganda. We have hauntingly witnessed the rot in American politics with the angry insurrection on democracy’s Capital.  Fox News has played an intentional role in creating mass anger in America because, simply, it sells. It is Fox News’ product. As a veteran Fox News producer said, “Ratings are the only thing that matter.” Trump torched the anger, but Fox News sprayed it with gasoline first.

Arthur West is returning to “Be Bold America!” to discuss Fox News’ role in the attack by an angry mob on our Capital and to also give us an update on WASHLITE’s lawsuit against Fox News.

Interview Guest:

Arthur West is chair of the non-profit, The Washington League for Increased Transparency and Ethics (WASHLITE). WASHLITE claims that Fox News and other defendants “willfully and maliciously engaged in a campaign of deception and omission regarding the danger of the international proliferation of the novel Coronavirus. For the last 25 years Mr. West has lived in Olympia Washington, and has litigated numerous cases against large organizations, including Intel, Weyerhaeuser, the Ports of Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia, and the State Associations of Counties and Cities. From 2011-2012 West collaborated with Fairfax County on a successful NEPA campaign to challenge and force amendments to the Bush Administration’s 2 Billion Dollar Hot Lanes Project. He has over a dozen published opinions in open government and environmental law.