Housing challenges across Santa Cruz county are increasing and Housing Santa Cruz County aims to meet this challenge by educating and empowering local residents through special events across the Month of May. Executive Director Elaine Johnson, and affordable housing advocate, Ellen Farmer, joined Talk of the Bay on Monday, April 22 to share details about all the events, workshops, webinars, and creative community engagement opportunities available during Affordable Housing Month in May. 

Don’t miss the Affordable Housing Month kickoff event at Hotel Paradox, Saturday May 4, 4-6pm.

From HSCC Website: Join us for an inspiring afternoon featuring a presentation and Q&A with Dr. Margot Kushel, MD on the intersection of affordable housing, homelessness, and public health, as well as light refreshments and networking with affordable housing professionals and supporters.

For over three decades, Dr. Kushel has both cared for people who experience homelessness and studied the causes, consequences, and solutions to homelessness. Presenting results from her research — including the largest representative study of homelessness in three decades — Dr. Kushel will outline how we got here, what the consequences are, and what we need to do to advance solutions. She will discuss new possibilities opened by recent policy advances, the evidence behind Housing First, and the critical role of advancing affordable housing solutions to end homelessness and improve health outcomes. Dr. Kushel is a professor of medicine at UCSF and Director of the UCSF Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative.

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