… part of the Moment of Truth “Army of One” series on lone activists who take on challenging the system and beating back Christo-nationalism and Christo-fascism, armed only with … themselves!
In this episode, Ami Chen Mills interviews Nadine Seiler–AKA: “Warrior Goddess for the Resistance,” who travels the country as a one-woman activist, showing up at Trump indictments, the Supreme Court steps, and even at the homes of folks like Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, armed with her phone and her social media accounts, a sign, a costume and sometimes a tent.
Seiler has fought for countless causes, including protesting the bombing and seige of Gaza and for the liberation of Palestinians. She is a T-shirt designer and former home organizer–who began protesting at the Women’s March in 2017 and then continued, consistently, at the White House from 2018 on.
During the Black Lives Matter national protests of summer, 2020, Seiler witnessed the Lafayette Square security fence installation and guided its transition into a memorial fence. She continued on as self-appointed curator, guardian, and archivist of the “Black Lives Matter Memorial Fence” in Washington, D.C. and has since brought together a team of archivists dedicated to ensuring that it will survive as a collective artifact from those historic racial justice protests.
Her efforts and work have been covered by The Washington Post, DigDC Oral History Collaborative, and various other publications.
Show Notes:
Warrior Goddess on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warriorgoddessfortheresistance/
Warrior Goddess on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@warriorgodess4resistance