The Dream Journal
The Psychic Internet with Lauren Schneider

We speak with Lauren Schneider about how our dreams prepare us for what’s to come in waking life. She gives examples of her own precognitive dreams ranging from mundane problem-solving dreams to sublime encounters. She also shares dreams that her mother had over the years leading up to her recent passing. Lauren gives us ideas about how to successfully incubate dreams by ramping up our state of yearning and also how to use a daily drawing of tarot cards as a spiritual practice. Lauren talks about how the children of survivors are often themselves stressed or even die before their parents.

We then take a caller from Ray of Westside Santa Cruz who shares a dream of trying to get his empty plate filled with food. Lauren and Katherine explore ideas about how the dream might be offering help with Ray’s desire to put on some weight, and we also muse about the collective aspects of the dream relating to how we feed ourselves as a species going forward. We finish by addressing how dreams so often reflect aspects of the larger collective in addition to the particular needs of the dreamer.

Lauren Z. Schneider has been a psychotherapist, consultant, author, trainer and group facilitator for three decades. She pioneered an innovative approach to spiritual psychotherapy through dream work and Tarotpy®. Lauren lectures worldwide, facilitates workshops and on-going dream and Tarotpy groups for therapists and laypersons. Over many years, she has paid particular attention to prescient dreams which offer insight and guidance on collective issues, relationship dynamics, and navigating life from birthing to death.

Lauren’s new book will be available in early April and is called Tarotpy: It’s All in the Cards.

Contact Lauren Schneider at her webpage:

which will soon be migrated to

Here are two tarot images that Lauren refers to during the show which she drew leading up to the time of her mother’s death:

Live ambient music by Rick Kleffel.

Show aired on March 20, 2021.


The Dream Journal is produced at and airs on KSQD Santa Cruz, 90.7 FM, streaming live at 10-11am Saturday mornings Pacific time.  Catch it live and call in with your dreams or questions at 831-900-5773.

The complete KSQD Dream Journal podcast page is found here.

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If you want to contact Katherine Bell with feedback, suggestions for future shows or to inquire about exploring your own dreams with her, contact, or find out more about her at