Have you ever felt better about yourself after telling someone your story? Today we speak with author and cult survivor Gerette Buglion who guides others to tell their “I got out” stories in a process she calls Writing to Reckon. We start with a question from podcast listener Beth sent via Instagram, “What was your biggest motivation for telling your story and what were your hopes for it in the world?” We go deep into answers to those questions and also address the shame that people sometimes feel about discovering that they have been in a coercive situation. We talk about how writing your story can help you find a way back to yourself and why you might or might not want to share it and with whom.
Support for writing your story can be found at igotout.org/empowerment including Gerette’s free Writing to Reckon classes, or register here GeretteBuglion.com/writingtoreckon. Gerette finishes by sharing her three favorite writing prompts designed to help you reclaim your own power as you write your story. Her new book is a journal to help you flesh out your story. The August zoom book launch party will be Tuesday, August 29 at 7pm Eastern Time. To join, register here GeretteBuglion.com/writing-to-reckon-book.
BIO: Born a middle child of seven, Gerette Buglion is a natural – and lifelong – educator. Today, she’s Executive Director of IGotOut, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting survivors of cultic relationships and author of An Everyday Cult and Writing to Reckon Journal for Survivors of Religious, Spiritual and Cultic Abuse.
Find our guest at: GeretteBuglion.com IGotOut.org #igotout #writingtoreckon #everydaycult
Intro music is Water over Stones and outro music is Everything both by Mood Science. Today’s ambient music is created by Rick Kleffel. The audio can be found at Pandemiad.com. Many thanks to Rick Kleffel for also engineering the show, to Tony Russomano for answering the phones and to Ewa Malady for audio editing.
Show aired on July 15, 2023.
The Dream Journal is produced at and airs on KSQD Santa Cruz, 90.7 FM, streaming live at KSQD.org 10-11am Saturday mornings Pacific time. Catch it live and call or text with your dreams or questions at 831-900-5773 or email at onair@ksqd.org.
Contact Katherine Bell with feedback, suggestions for future shows or to inquire about exploring your own dreams with her at katherine@ksqd.org. Follow her on FB and IG @ExperientialDreamwork or find out more at ExperientialDreamwork.com.
Available on all major podcast platforms. The complete KSQD Dream Journal podcast page can be found at ksqd.org/the-dream-journal.
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