The Dream Journal
Shamanic Dream Journeys with Robert Moss
Traveling without leaving home. A shamanic dreamer and author of over two dozen books, we speak today with Robert Moss in this special replay from April Fool's Day. Robert describes himself as a...
A Seth-Inspired Alternative Sleep Schedule with David Cielak
Trouble sleeping through the night? Maybe you are on your way to a superior sleep schedule which could enhance your creativity, flexibility, and dream recall. We talk with David Cielak about what...
A New Kind of Hero’s Journey, Dream-Inspired Creativity with Author Donna Glee Williams
We all know that dreams can galvanize your creativity. Today we meet an author who has published three dream-inspired fantasy novels which seek to reimagine the hero's journey. Author Donna Glee...
What Dreams Have to Say about Reality with Tina Tau
Is waking life really a kind of theater which we make up along the way? The transformative potential of dreamwork, today with author and certified dreamworker, Tina Tau. Tina shares a dream in which...
Saturday, March 15 10:00am