Funding for the Future with Dr. Delton Chen and Renegade Economist Della Duncan
What if humanity could take a giant step forward towards a climate transformation? On Talk of the Bay, Wednesday October 12, Christine Barrington interviews Dr. Delton Chen, Founder of the Global Carbon Reward along with Renegade Economist, Della Duncan, who together...
Margie Kern Marshall – My Brain
Margie Kern Marshall wonders, "Is this an asset or a liability?"
Unsettled Borders: UCSC Professor Studies the Lines We Draw
On Indigenous Peoples Day, host Suki Wessling welcomes University of California at Santa Cruz Professor Felicity Amaya Schaeffer to discuss how borders and technology affect the indigenous people who are enclosed, separated, and surveilled in our border regions. We...
Santa Cruz Hostel – 30th Anniversary
Rick Hyman, Tom Bihn and Sara Tinger join host Mathilde Rand exploring the history of the Carmelita Cottages in Santa Cruz and the development of the Santa Cruz Hostel, that is celebrating its 30th anniversary at the site of the cottages. Contact info for the Hostel:...
Wisdom of the Soul Astrology and Dreamwork with Jill Eras
How does the Divine show up in dreams? How does trauma? The Dream Journal today hosts a conversation about the Wisdom of the Soul with Astrologer and Dreamworker Jill Eras. Let the exploration of self and soul begin! Jill has been interested in astrology from age four...
Bahia Brunelle – Garden Sharing
Bahia Brunelle is in a unique garden sharing community.
State of Confusion: Political Manipulation and The Assault on The American Mind
“State of Confusion: Political Manipulation and The Assault on The American Mind” KSQD 90.7FM “Be Bold America!” Sunday, October 9, 2022 at 5:00pm (PDT) “A fascinating and compelling case that right-wing politics has subverted our democracy … This book unmasks the...
Pro and Con Measure O
We asked representatives on both sides of Santa Cruz's Measure O campaign to explain their support or non-support for the initiative. On the "NO" side was former mayor, Don Lane, and on the "YES" side, designer, Lisa Ekstrom. Santa Cruz Measure O is on the ballot in...
Laurie Corn – Spirit Guide
Laurie Corn gets advice from a friend.
Pricing Nature on the Global Carbon Reward: A Conversation with Dr. Delton Chen, Author Kim Stanley Robinson and Renegade Economist Kate Raworth
The Global Carbon Reward is a bold new policy proposal pioneered by Dr. Delton Chen and popularized by sci-fi author Kim Stanley Robinson in his latest novel The Ministry for the Future. Dr. Chen will be visiting Santa Cruz on November 2 for an event entitled "Funding...
Steve Pleich – Bus Transit in Santa Cruz
Steve Pleich has something to share about Public Transit in Santa Cruz.
Scotts Valley Haunted House Raises Funds for Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Since 2003 Ghouls, Goblins, Zombies, and other creepy characters have populated the Scotts Valley Haunted House all for a good cause--raising thousands of dollars every year to benefit the Leukemia Lymphoma Society. The 20th annual Scotts Valley Haunted House is open...
Black Noise Sound Journeys with Victoria Rogers
“We will live in the future that we dream of today. Call in your freedom now.” The Dream Journal hosts strategist and designer Victoria Rogers who created several soundscapes in a project called Black Noise with the particular needs and sensibilities of black people...
Nancy Levine – Falling Between the Cracks
Nancy Levine asks, "What is it with these twin beds?"
Autumn Opera Festival
Great music awaits you on Monday Night at the Opera 7 to 10 p.m., Fall 2022 Schedule October 3: Community Concert Hall The Santa Cruz Chamber Players perform music by Fauré and Ravel. Christopher Smith hosts. October 10: Les Pecheurs de Perles By Georges Bizet with...