On Feb 18th, 2021 Janet Quinn interviewed Dr. Robert Ratner, Santa Cruz County Director of the Housing for Health office.
He is leader of a program which started 5 years ago and is working hard to help with this issue. He explained that the basic problem is that housing is impossibly expensive in Santa cruz County, for many people these days.
He’s well aware of the physical and mental health problems suffered by many of the people but believes that the “Housing First” program started in New York is the best way to start. Once people have reliable shelter it will be much easier to work on their other problems. To set up adequate shelters will require significant federal funding.
Concerned listeners can find a local agency and either contribute financially or volunteer.
SC county and city websites that include organizations that provide homeless services.
Zillow Research : Homeless rises Faster Where Rent Exceeds one third of income
Housing For Healthy Santa Cruz County
Santa Cruz Sentinel Article – Launch New Homeless Focused Office
Bakersfield ended chronic homelessness through Built for Zero and Community Solutions ( nonprofit)
Housing Matters has a wealth of resources at their website and a call in line 831-458-6020
211santaCruzCounty is a bilingual site with lots of help including Dial 2-1-1
Shelter Listings is another good site