EV Benefits, Myths and Future Resource for Home and Grid Resilience
On Good News Santa Cruz, Thursday, January 21, 2021 host Pauline Seales talks with Beverly Deschaux, President of the National Electric Auto Association’s Santa Cruz chapter, about EVs: A Bit of History, Myths and the Bigger Future, including how Vehicle to Grid cars can help smooth out the energy supply to our communal electric grid.
They mentioned an upcoming Free conference, Feb 12, 9am to 3pm, on Vehicle to Grid details. To register: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_3iRXsPkmSwqlG-l6eYav-w?mc_cid=3088bb3f82&mc_eid=[06c01c1765
Links to two earlier Good News Santa Cruz interviews on Electric Vehicles
June 18, 2020 with Mike Saint,
October 1, 2020 with Sabrina Delk
Many other useful links :
PluginAmerica.org, MBARD.org, ev.pge.com, cleanvehiclerebate.org
electricauto.org scroll to Central Coast Chapter
Monterey Bay Electric Vehicle Alliance
facebook.com/groups/eaaccc, pluginamerica.org, mbard.org
Beverly DesChaux, bdchaux@ gmail.com,