Eva Rider MA, MFT is a licensed Jungian-oriented depth psychotherapist, a workshop leader and presenter. Eva’s teaching incorporates dreamwork with fairy tale, myth, tarot, music, movement and art based in an exploration of the correspondences between Jungian theory, alchemy and psyche or soma as revealed through the Hermetic tree of life.
Eva Rider is a graduate of the renowned Marion Woodman BodySoul Rhythms® Leadership Training program. Eva has taught Dreamwork, Jungian Theory and Myth at John F. Kennedy University and teaches independently at locations in the United States and Canada.
ReclaimingSoul.com Eva’s web page
Ambient sound in this episode by Rick Kleffel
If you want to contact Katherine Bell with feedback or suggestions for future shows, contact katherine@ksqd.org
ExperientialDreamwork.com Katherine’s web page
You can access The Dream Journal program page here.