Want to be on the radio? Here’s your chance.  Enter our jingle contest, and win a K-squid T-shirt.

Create your catchy song or ad celebrating K-squid.  Shorter is better: Think one phrase or stanza. Under 15 seconds is the goal! Here are some examples:

K-Squid, ninety point seven FM, community ray-dee-oh!

We love our K-Squid, community radio! Ninety point seven FM.

Ninety point seven, it’s musical heaven! K-Squid!

We’ll air the best ones and our judges will pick the winner.  Can’t sing?  Don’t worry, send us your spoken word ad, with sound effects or music encouraged.

How do I record it? Use Voice Memos on your smart phone and email it to us, OR just call it in on our voicemail at 831-900-5773.

Send entries to:  info@ksqd.org

Support your favorite community radio station, and share your quirky, funny, creative K-Squid jingle with our audience.

The Deadline has been extended to October 13th.

Winners will be announced on October 14th at 5 pm on Talk of the Bay.