Talk of the Bay from KSQD
Downtown Santa Cruz Opens up to Summer

As Santa Cruz opens back up, what’s happening in our most active tourist and local shopping district? Santa Cruz Downtown Association Executive Director Jorian Wilkins joins Talk of the Bay host Suki Wessling to talk about downtown. What was the last year like? What has the Downtown Association been doing to plan for the future? And now that the future appears to be here, how is Downtown Santa Cruz welcoming back locals and tourists alike?

Pandemic-era concessions, like dining in parking spots, may be here to stay. This summer will be full of First Fridays, big red balls, and lots of al fresco dining and music. And development of downtown is going gangbusters, with an emphasis on mixed-use buildings providing housing and opening new areas to retail and restaurants. 40% of our retail sales tax comes from tourism, and downtown is getting geared up to serve everyone safely while providing fun and relaxation.


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