Santa Cruz Naturalist
Birds in Your Backyard: Great Horned Owls Part 1

This week on Santa Cruz Naturalist, I talk about Great Horned Owls. They are the largest owl species in Santa Cruz, and have a wide range through all of North America and some parts of South America.

Great Horned Owls can be difficult to see as they roost quietly in trees during the day, but they are much easier to find by listening for their song at night. Listen in to hear their song, learn how to tell the males apart from females, and more!

Tune in to KSQD 90.7 FM to listen live the week of February 1st: Tuesday 7:55am, Wednesday 3:55 pm, and Thursday 6:55pm.

Copyright Zack Mikalonis

Great Horned Owls, two juvenile and one adult. Photo by Zack Mikalonis