Be Bold, America!
"A National Reckoning on Racism" with Gov. Don Siegelman

“A National Reckoning on Racism”

Tune in to “Be Bold America!” Sunday, August 2, 2020 at 5:00pm  

The former governor of Alabama has a few things to say about racism.

Gov. Don Siegelman, author of Stealing Our Democracy now a “hot” top five book listed on “The National Book Review”, is uniquely positioned to speak on this subject as a life-long Alabama resident and as the only politician in Alabama history to hold all the state’s top constitutional offices: governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and secretary of state. While holding those executive offices, he methodically removed symbols of racism in the state.

With his years of experience facing and addressing racism, he has a unique and deep perceptive on Donald Trump claiming the Confederate flag is a symbol of freedom of speech. In addition, as seen through his lens of experience, he will present his views about Confederate statues, renaming the Edmond Pettus bridge, police power and abuse, education, healthcare as a right, higher minimum wage, after school jobs, tax reform, and the imperative to change policies, politics, and the laws now.

In addition, Dr. Pettis Perry, Walden University Leadership and Management Professor, will join this “national reckoning on racism” conversation. As a side note, Dr. Perry believes his father changed the spelling of his first name from using a “u” to an “i” when his father saw the bridge named for KKK Grand Dragon, Edmond Pettus.


Interview Guests:

“America’s Political Prisoner #1”, former Governor Don Siegelman, is the only politician in Alabama history to hold all the state’s top constitutional offices: governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and secretary of state. As his 2006 campaign was getting underway, he was indicted ― wrongfully, according to scores of attorneys general from states across the nation ― convicted, and given a harsh prison sentence by a prosecutor and judge with links to GOP operatives Karl Rove and Jack Abramoff.

Pettis Perry, Ph.D. is a full-time faculty member at Walden University where he teaches a variety of leadership and management courses in the Master of Science in Leadership and Master of Science in Management degree programs. He provides technical assistance and training to an array of schools, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and small and large businesses. In response to students describing their personal traumas and in response to the trauma produced by the Covid-19 pandemic, Dr. Perry produced webinars titled Creating a Meaningful Life in the Aftermath of Trauma and Beyond Posttraumatic Growth and Selfcare in Times of Crisis: Living in a Topsy-Turvy World. Visit: (