Tune in at 12 a.m., Monday, March 4th, and hear the Gypsy Scholar present the fourth installment of the Orphic Essay-with-Soundtrack series “The Troubadours & The Beloved: The Religion of Love/Amor.” This series explores the medieval origins of our notion of “romantic love” and the modern, secular love song, and why certain 60s singer-songwriters were dubbed “Troubadours.” This 4th part examines the 19th-century concept of amour courtois (“courtly love”) and how this misleading term was used in scholarly hermeneutics of troubadour poetry to establish a standardized model of “chaste love” (a love that was supposedly never actually consummated), which categorically denied the eroticism of what the troubadours themselves called fin’amor. And be sure to check out the “The Troubadours & The Beloved” webpages (2 + “Courtly Love/Amor”), so you can literally “see what I mean” at revradiotowerofsong.com.

“The young Grail King, coming of age, rode forth therefore on adventure, like any young knight of his day, and his battle cry was Amor.” ~ Joseph Campbell

Program Update: As of 7 p.m., Monday, March 4th, this program is available for listening on the “Archived Musical Essays” webpage, with the corresponding playlist located on the “Programs & Playlists” webpage, of the Tower of Song website.