Tune in at 12 a.m., Monday, June 17th, and hear the Gypsy Scholar present the 3rd installment of the Orphic Essay-with-Soundtrack series, “May Day Carnivalesque.” This third part of the musical essay series continues to look at those communal festivals of “collective joy” under the category of “carnival” that manifest “carnivalesque” elements, such as “the world turned upside-down.” Be sure to check out the “May Day Carnivalesque” webpage, which is dedicated to this musical essay series, at revradiotowerofsong.com. (For those who missed hearing the past two installments of this musical series, they can be found on the “Archived Musical Essays” webpage, along with the corresponding playlists on the “Program Playlists” webpage.)

Program Update: This extended musical essay is now only available for listening on the “Archived Musical Essays” webpage, along with the corresponding playlist on the “Program Playlists” webpage, on the Tower of Song website.