The Tower of Song will be presenting its annual New Year program, the Orphic Essay-with-Soundtrack series, “The New Year & Rebirth In Archaic Myth & Ritual.” Tune in at 12 a.m., Monday, on New Year’s Day and hear the Gypsy Scholar discuss the archaic origins of our contemporary New Year observance when traditional peoples periodically sought, through ritual “archetypes and repetition,” to abolish profane time and thus regenerate the sacred “time of the beginning” (in illo tempore, ab origine); hear how our profane New Year celebration still carries vestiges of the sacred New Year ritual of archaic and ancient times, which, due to a “nostalgia for beginnings,” offered its celebrants a new beginning through rebirth.

Update: The New Year (extended) program is now uploaded to the “Archived Musical Essays” webpage, along with the corresponding playlist on the “Programs & Playlists” webpage, on the the Tower of Song website at