Tune in at

Tune in at 12 a.m., Monday, January 29th, and hear the Gypsy Scholar present his annual Orphic Essay-with-Soundtrack for the Celtic cross-quarter festival of Imbolc, which is traditionally celebrated (by Celtic peoples and Neopagans) on the eve of February 1st. This “fire festival” (one of the four main cross-quarter, seasonal festivals on the Celtic wheel of the year) is in honor Brighid (Brigit, or Bride) the Triple Goddess of Imbolc, who is the goddess of poetry, healing, and smithcraft.

Update: This program has been delayed to uploading to the new Tower of Song website (revradiotowerofsong.com) because of the time it takes to transfer the content from the “Imbolc” webpage of the old website (revradiotowerofsong.org). The program should be uploaded in time for the alternative February 2nd date for Imbolc. (PS: the astrologically/astronomically timed exact date for Imbolc will be Feb. 4.) Will announce as soon as program is available. Please be sure to check out the brand new and vastly improved “Imbolc” webpage—a feast for the eyes!