The Dream Journal
Year’s End All Caller Dream Show
It is a musical Dream Journal today. I am excited to debut the music of new artist Paige Kalenian. We played two of her songs: Something New and Deja Vu. We spoke with Paige about her creative...
Dreams and the Power of Story with Sue Scavo
We speak with Embodied Dreamwork practitioner Susan Marie Scavo about the power of story in our lives and in our dreams. We talk about how stories are so much more powerful than statistics and also...
A Crow’s Calling with Angela Grillo and Susan Ackerman Joseph
Susan Joseph and Angela Grillo co-lead groups around creativity and healing and (of course) dreams. We talk about their embodied / somatic way of working with dreams saying this somatic work can...
Dream Alchemy with Bill St. Cyr and Sue Scavo
Alchemy is the ancient process of transforming lead into gold, and we speak with Sue Scavo and Bill St. Cyr about how dreams provide a crucible which accelerates our personal and even our societal...
Saturday, January 25 10:00am