Listening Session: Well attended and enthusiastic!
Last night some 20 or so fired up volunteers meet to hear an update and give input on fundraising and programming ideas for the new station. Our strategy is to have a series of house parties inviting potential donors and talking over the plans for station. Watch for...
Come to a Listening Session and Give Your Input
(Santa Cruz ,CA) How often does your radio listen to you? Central Coast Community Radio will hold a listening/information session on October 4th at 7pm. The meeting will include an update on progress toward buying a radio license and results of its listener survey, as...
KUSP Fans Try to Bring Back Community Radio
KUSP Fans Try to Bring Back Community Radio Group has until the end of April to raise money to buy new spot on the airwaves. By Mat Weir The Good Times “It was always there, and always something you could count on,” retired art teacher Myra Eastman says, the sound of...
Fundraiser March 26th India Joze
Sun, March 26, 2017 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM PDT 418 Front Street, Santa Cruz, CA Tickets $25 online, $30 at the door Newsflash: Santa Cruz Mountain Vineyard has offered to donate wine so we will be pouring their excellent wines. Join us to help raise funds for a new...
Help us Fund the New Station!
It's official! We are launching a new capital campaign to fund the startup of Santa Cruz' new community radio station! We have a frequency to buy! All we need now is you. This will be an independent, noncommercial radio station of, for, by and about the community in...
Take Our Survey: What do you want to hear?
What do you want to hear on the new Central Coast Community Radio station? What are you willing to do to help make it happen? Take this brief survey by following the link. The more input we can get, the more we can create something that is a true public service....
How You Can Help
We are seeking to buy a radio station that will serve the Central Coast of California with public service, news, music and information programming that is vital to the lives of local citizens. If you'd like to help us raise funds, go to our fundraising page and make a...
Welcome to Central Coast Community Radio
We are a group of local citizens who believe that our community is stronger when it owns the media and can use it to enlighten, communicate, and entertain, celebrating the unique culture of the region. We are aiming to buy a new radio station to fulfill this mission....