Have you ever wondered what is going on upstream when you cross the Highway 1 bridge over Elkhorn Slough? Or why there are marshes on both sides of the highway? Or where all the birds and kayakers come from?
Join SN! hosts Ronnie Lipschutz and Brooke Wright for a conversation with Dr. Kerstin Wasson, Research Coordinator at the Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve and adjunct professor at UCSC. Dr. Wasson conducts research on a range of topics focused on the impacts of human activities on estuarine ecosystems, such as Elkhorn Slough. She develops and tests restoration strategies to mitigate those impacts. And she will talk about housing oysters.
Previous broadcasts of Sustainability Now! are archived at KSQD.org.
Sustainability Now! is underwritten by the Sustainable Systems Research Foundation.