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October for Sunday Dinner we served up some good stuff!
First Course: Meggie Pina and Zak Keith from the Triangle Speakers Bureau which is housed in the Santa Cruz County Diversity Center. Zak and Meggie talk about what led them to the Triangle Speakers and why this organization is crucial in our community now more than ever.
If you are interested in bringing Triangle Speakers to your workplace or educational space, and/or The Santa Cruz Diversity Center ,follow those links for more information! Also, the Diversity Center is hiring, so reach out if you’re interested in a career in social justice!
Second Course: Christina Audas. A friend and colleague of DJ Dupsie’s and local artist! Christina shares with us some Indigenous South American instruments and music!
If you want to contact DJ Dupsie, please email tacklingthetaboo53@gmail.com.
Keep a look out for the Season 3 premier of Tackling the Taboo Podcast, also hosted by DJ Dupsie!