KSQD will update you on the air on a regular basis as the situation is rapidly changing and we know many will not have internet service, but may have a battery-powered radio. Your phone can also serve as a “transistor radio” by opening the “Listen” app in your phone for KSQD.


KSQD’s Tony Russomanno tells us:

There are some new road problems as of Sunday night, including

Bear Creek Road from just past Summit Road to Alma College in Road in Santa Clara County, closed due to roadway collapse, and  Highway 152 closed at Mount Madonna due to an active slide.

Other major road closures include Highway 9 from Ben Lomond to Coon Heights Road. Traffic is being detoured onto Glen Arbor Road; San Juan Road and Salinas Road, closed in and out of Salinas; and Highway 92, closed between the Half Moon Bay Nursery and Highway 35 in San Mateo County.

In addtion. Felton Empire Road at Empare Grade is closed due to damage to the roadway, and Quail Hollow Road is closed due to a sinkhole at 800 Quail Hollow.

Rain will continue on and off with gusty winds through Monday night, but it will be sunny on Tuesday as the west coast returns to La Nina climate conditions.

Still, a flood watch continues for Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties through Monday evening. Saturated soils are not able to absorb more excessive rain.

There’s also an advisory for coastal flooding and beach hazards, including storm debris and dangerous surf, through Monday morning.

The only mandatory evacuation orders in effect as of Sunday night are along Riverside Road in Watsonville and Whitehorse Road in the far northern end of the county.

Evacuation centers are open at the county fairgrounds in Watsonville and at Cabrillo College in Aptos. Both areas allow pets and have RV parking.

Santa Cruz METRO’s ParaCruz service is offering free transportation for evacuation zone residents. Passengers can bring a carry-on of necessary items. Service dogs are welcome. For pick-up, call ParaCruz at 831-425-4664 or dial 711 for Hearing & Speech Impaired Services.

PG&E says more than 17-hundred customers have no power in Santa Cruz County, and power is still out for more than 500 customers in Monterey County.

For many more details and links to current conditions, go to KSQD.ORG and click on the Storm Information page.

Major road closures include:

–Highway 9 from Ben Lomond to Coon Heights Road. Traffic is being detoured onto Glen Arbor Road.

–San Juan Road and Salinas Road is closed in and out of Salinas.

–Highway 92 is closed between the Half Moon Bay Nursery and Highway 35 in San Mateo County.

For many more details and links to current conditions, go to KSQD.ORG and click on the Storm Information page.

Monterey County Emergency Information

Direct link to Monterey County emergency map

Useful link for road closures

Shelters/Evacuation Centers

There are two evacuation centers open for this community.

One is at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds in Watsonville.

Another is set up at Cabrillo College in Aptos.

Both areas are pet friendly and have RV parking.

(Additional note: volunteers wanted):

Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County | http://www.scvolunteercenter.org

In the coming days, volunteers will be needed to play a critical role in providing general services ranging from post event clean-up to staffing phones.

The  Volunteer Center of Santa Cruz County is working with emergency response organizations to identify which volunteer needs are greatest.

Monday, January 16th is expected to be the first day of community wide clean ups that are in need of volunteer help.

Register by going to scvolunteercenter.org

If you have additional questions contact the Center at 831-427-5070.

Following links are for your information.

Current road and traffic: https://www.google.com/maps/@37.0786704,-122.0794385,11.3z/data=!5m1!1e1

County Dept. of Public Works road info: https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/09f637a4d84946edbb5aab283766c9de/

PG&E outages: https://pgealerts.alerts.pge.com/outagecenter/

County power outage overview: https://poweroutage.us/area/county/2930

County river levels and conditions: https://santacruz.onerain.com./map/?type_id=20&show_thresholds=true&view=www_conc_santacruz

NOAA/NWS river levels and stages: https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=mtr&fcst_timeframe=0&current_color=all&current_type=all&fcst_type=obs&conus_map=d_map&center_point_lat=37.12765399999937&center_point_lon=-122.14050299999793&default_zoom=10&marker=false

NOAA/NWS Excessive Rainfall Forecast: https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/excessive_rainfall_outlook_ero.php

NWS Santa Cruz weather: https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lon=-122.01236307621001&lat=36.99495663504622

County evacutation zones: https://aware.zonehaven.com/search?z=9.864471522328632&latlon=37.07135878361606%2C-121.97341169329894

CHP Traffic Incidents: http://cad.chp.ca.gov/Traffic.aspx

County fire and EMS dispatch: http://www.firedispatch.com/

Evacuation maps; https://aware.zonehaven.com

To check on PG&E power outages, visit www.pge.com/outages

Evacuation Zones: community.zonehaven.com

Call 831-477-3999 to report county road issues in the unincorporated areas. You can also visit https://dpw.santacruzcounty.us/ReportProblem.aspx

Road closures:


National Weather Service – Santa Cruz: https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lon=-122.01918661594388&lat=36.9882296743054#.YXWGatbMJQM

Current radar loop: https://radar.weather.gov/ridge/lite/KMUX_loop.gif

Flood warnings: https://water.weather.gov/ahps/water/textprods/index.php?wfo=mtr&misc=

For a list of locations in unincorporated areas where residents can pick up sand and/or sandbags, click here.

For real-time rain totals and local stream gages, please visit https://santacruz.onerain.com.

Monterey County Emergency Information

For more information about resources click on the link to visit the Santa Cruz County Office of Response, Recovery, and Resiliency





CHP road and traffic active incidents (Select Monterey from the Communications Centers menu): http://media.chp.ca.gov/

Santa Cruz County traffic: https://cruz511.org/
