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Please allow us to introduce ourselves: A Poem in Honor of KSQD/KSQT Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Please allow us to introduce ourselves … Welcome to the ribbon-cutting for the beginning of a new era in KSQD/ KSQT, a community radio station for the Monterey bay area … I’m here with the pod, I’m...
89.7 FM is Live! Sandy Stone Does it Again
Saturday afternoon, June 17th 2023. High atop Fremont Peak, cool breezes and even cooler KSQD sounds take to the air. Engineer Sandy Stone, and volunteers Lani Bandhauer and Joe Truskot finagled...
Monterey Herald Scoops KSQD Signal Expansion
By JAMES HERRERA | | Monterey Herald PUBLISHED: June 9, 2023 at 2:40 p.m. | UPDATED: June 9, 2023 at 2:41 p.m. MONTEREY – A local radio station, known affectionately as...
K-SQUID Ribbon Cutting Celebrates New Licenses
Break out the giant scissors, it's time to cut the ribbon on our new licenses for 89.7FM and 89.5 FM. Community Radio Station KSQD Announces Signal Expansion to reach Monterey, Carmel,...
Monterey County Weekly Announces KSQD Signal Launch
The age of consolidating corporate media hasn’t been easy on community radio. After KUSP went bankrupt in 2016, the religious broadcast chain K-LOVE swooped on the station’s 88.9 FM frequency and...
Storm Recovery Resources
Here is information for those who want to help Pajaro flood survivors Volunteer Opportunities Second Harvest Food Bank is looking for additional people to help with food sorting. Volunteers are...
1st and 3rd Mondays at 3:30pmNEXT SHOW
Monday, March 24 3:30pm
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