Talk of the Bay from KSQD
Rene Moya talks about money in politics, housing, and the CA proposition 21 campaign

Len Beyea interviews Rene Moya, the Campaign Director for California’s Yes on 21 campaign.

Rene Christian Moya is the Director of Housing Is a Human Right, the AIDS Healthcare Foundation’s housing advocacy division. Born and raised in Los Angeles’ rapidly gentrifying Highland Park, Rene studied at Dartmouth College and the University of London (SOAS). He previously worked on the 2018 Proposition 10 campaign and for the community group Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE). He remains a member of the Los Angeles Tenants Union, and of the School of Echoes, a space for critical reflection on working-class and poor communities’ conditions. He is currently the Campaign Director for the Yes on 21 campaign.

Ballotpedia review of Prop 21