The Babblery
The Babblery
Motherhood in the 21st century

A deep connection to humanity

This month’s episode delves into a common refrain heard from young women contemplating motherhood: “It sounds so hard!”

According to the moms interviewed for The Babblery, it is hard, but it’s also an experience like no other, one that leads women to a sense of deep satisfaction. Listen to women, from new mothers to grandmothers, talk about the challenges and joys of “the toughest job.”

For more details, visit this episode on The Babblery website.

Radio stations: purchase this episode from PRX Exchange.

“When I saw my baby, Christine, I fell in love and it was just the best feeling. It was like a whole world opened up for me and then as she grew older and it became clear she liked me too. She loved me. I thought it was marvelous.” (Rickey Gard Diamond)

About The Babblery:

The Babblery features conversations with and about women in the 21st century. In each episode, we explore how our physical and social gender informs our experiences at work, at home, and in the wider world. Rather than focusing on issues, we focus on lives: working, parenting, playing, voting, advocating, and creating as women. Visit The Babblery at The Babblery is produced by Suki Wessling with support from KSQD.

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