Good News Santa Cruz
Medicare for All with Ginny Swingel

On March 11, Ginny Swingel talked to Pauline Seales about the single payer health plan, generally know as Medicare for All.

The discussion included the current strong level level of public support and the fact that every other developed country has a single payer health system – less stress for people, cheaper and produces better community health.

They discussed a new CA bill – AB 1400, co-authored by our new State Senator John Laird. In this bill all the current medical are providers would still be available – they’d just get paid by the state system instead of through the insurance industry.

Actions you can take:

Contact John Laird to thank him for his co-authoirship of AB 1400.

Contact our CA Assemblyman Mark Stone to ask him to support AB 1400.

Ask Gov Newsom  for the HHS waivers CalCare would need. 

Join the Medicare 4 All facebook group 

Harvard Health Article 

Complete bill text