Local News from KSQD
Our Nature Connection with Kai Siedenburg
On Talk of the Bay, April 19, 2021 Christine Barrington interviews Kai Siedenburg about her work leading individuals and groups into a deeper connection with the world of nature through experiential practices on the land and in the home. Tap into the power of nature...
Unheard Voices with Ami Chen Mills-Naim
Unheard Voices is a derivative of the new Civil Rights Movement Black Lives Matter. This program is inclusive of all people of the colors of the Rainbow. We hold the vision that change begins in the heart, and with the intention to learn about others and respect their...
Squid on the Street: Cancel Culture
Our Squid on the Street, Adrien Saso, asked people what "cancel culture" means to them. They had some surprisingly nuanced answers.
Local Asian Community Speaks Out Against Hate Crimes
Last week Congressman Jimmy Panetta convened a panel of local members of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community from the Monterey Bay area. They spoke about their experiences with racism and bigotry and how they have seen an uptick in crimes and racial...
The 418 Project – Moving and Being Moved! Long-time Santa Cruz dance and arts center moves to a new space
Len Beyea interviews Laura Bishop, Executive Director of The 418 Project, and Beverly Molina, Board Member, about the dance community, the importance of dance and movement, and the acquisition of a new and larger space by The 418 Project, enabling them to provide more...
W(h)ither the Santa Cruz County Rail Trail?
Tuesday, April 14, 2021: Talk of the Bay host Chris Krohn asks about the future of the SC County Rail Trail: will it be trains and people, or people only. Hear both supporters and opponents of the rail option and decide for yourself.
Water policy clarified: the present and future of water in Santa Cruz County
Suki Wessling hosts a roundtable discussion about water in Santa Cruz County. As we enter a future of uncertain water, what does that mean for city dwellers? Rural residents? Farmers? Businesses? What sorts of long term plans are being made to secure our water supply?...
Communicating Climate Change
In this interview by Cabrillo College student Lucia Meza, we hear from Irene Tsouprake, the director of TEDx Santa Cruz who is passionate about communicating about climate change. Ironically, there are many planes going over during the interview, burning fossil fuels.
Surviving heroin addiction
In this interview, by Cabrillo College student Jasmine Ramirez, she speaks with Bella, a local Watsonville resident who at one point was the biggest heroin dealer in the area, making $25,000 a month while still a teenager. She became addicted, began stealing from her...
Unheard Voices with Celestino Rodriguez
On Unheard Voices, Friday, April 9th, 2021 host Thairie Ritchie welcomes community activist Celestino Rodriguez. They discussed recent events in the news and their impact, especially on communities of color.Topics include the spotlight on police practices in...