KSQD 90.7 FM Santa Cruz
KSQD Marched with Joy in this Year's Pride Parade!

KSQD marched happily in the SC Pride Parade 2023, which was richly attended this year with large crowds and big hearts filled with community connection and a determination to stand together to support inclusiveness and belonging for all people.

Fifty-seven Registered groups walked up Pacific to joy-filled raucous cheering ending at Abbot square where there was a full contingency of officials including, Congressman Jimmy Panetta, State Senator John Laird, Assemblywoman Gail Pellerian, District Supervisor Justin Cummings, and City of Santa Cruz Mayor Fred Keeley. Drag performers Rogue Roulette and Xinistra offered their art proudly, despite recent attacks by protestors during their Drag Story Time at the Family Support Center Raíces y Cariño in Watsonville. In the face of rising levels of polarization and fear across the nation, many expressed joy for being in Santa Cruz and in the presence of loving people who support LGBTQ+ freedom and culture.

KSQD is thrilled to walk with Santa Cruz Pride and show their support for the LGBTQ+ community of this region and beyond.

Join the crowd with our 4-minute parade audio experience above.


Francis Garcia/Sandy Stone.          A happy Squid Family getting ready to march!