Faith Matters
Faith Matters is now called Intersections. The updated show page can be found here:
Faith Matters: Love
A yoga teacher, Scientology minister, and an Anglican priest discuss the meaning of the concept of Love. Topic: Love Guests: Father Rob Patterson (Anglican) Lori Lipton-Ritland (Yoga...
Faith Matters: Origin & Purpose
A yoga teacher, Anglican priest, and a Scientology minister share their different perspectives about the origin and purpose of our lives. Topic: Origin & Purpose Guests: Father Rob...
Faith Matters: Sacred Texts
A Catholic deacon, Baha'i leader, and a Muslim community leader discuss their sacred texts and what make these documents meaningful in their spiritual tradition. Topic: Sacred Texts Guests: ...
Faith Matters: Founders
A Catholic deacon, Baha'i leader, and a Muslim community leader share about the lives of the founders of their spiritual traditions. Topic: Founders Guests: Deacon Patrick Conway...
Seth Schapiro
Click here to contact Seth Schapiro
Seth Schapiro
Over many years, Seth Schapiro has interacted with a variety of cultures and faith perspectives. He grew up in a Jewish home and received a Bachelor’s Degree in Community Studies at UCSC. While living in the mountains of eastern Kentucky, he was exposed to various Appalachian Christian traditions. After teaching elementary school, he developed a K-12 multicultural education program that teaches principles of character using the words and lives of inspiring world figures. His travels have included visiting Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East and Asia where he has observed the influence of Islamic faith on people’s everyday lives. Recently, he taught at a Buddhist university in Cambodia.