Talk of the Bay from KSQD
Chef Andrea wants YOU to love zucchini

Chef Andrea Mollenauer doesn’t seem to do anything halfway. “I kind of have my fingers in every area of the food industry—and I love it!”

Andrea is a caterer, owner of the Food Lounge (a “community-minded food venue”), Cabrillo culinary instructor, high school Career Technical Education instructor, and summer camp leader extraordinaire.

And in case you’re wondering: No, she hasn’t slowed down during the pandemic.

When she learned that she was going to have to teach from her home, a second-floor Victorian flat, she dragged a stainless steel commercial kitchen table up the stairs and got to work. How do you teach cooking when you can’t be with your students? How do you engage high school students who are having to stare at a screen all day? How do you train chefs to work with the public from a distance?

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