Talk of the Bay from KSQD
Talk of the Bay from KSQD
Artist and science writer Sarah Gilman shares her insights into being a living part of a living world


Sarah Gilman studied studio art and biology in college and wasn’t quite satisfied with either. The art world looked hermetic, sealed off in cities away from the landscapes that she loved. And the science world felt binding, too, with its sprint to publish clunky treatises for an audience of other scientists. Writing, though, stole the best from both fields — the creativity, the exploring, the analysis and the always-and-forever-learning — and, at its best, seemed like it could bring the same important topics explored by art and science to a much broader audience of people. So here she is, still at it. Sarah writes about the environment, energy, science and miscellany from Mazama, Washington. She was a staff and contributing editor for High Country News, an environmental magazine about the American West, for 11 years, and is a contributing editor for both bioGraphic magazine and Hakai magazine. She also is the author and illustrator of the “Terra Affirma” series in Yes magazine. In addition, she illustrated a book about the origins of human occupation of the Americas, Atlas of a Lost World, by Craig Childs. You can find more of her writing at She tweets @Sarah_Gilman.

The image above is a detail from the comic poem Slow Comet by Sarah Gilman.