Dr. Khaleghl Quinn is an award-winning spiritual teacher, composer and astrologer who works with the intersection of Meta-Meditation, astrology, dreams and qigong. She is the best-selling author of four books: Stand Your Ground (based on her UK television series); Chi-Kung: Reclaim Your Power; The Secret Art of Maximizing Your Potential, and Everyday Self Defense. An ordained Zen Priest, Khaleghl holds degrees in philosophy and transpersonal psychology, black belts in judo and is a qigong master.
She considers Santa Cruz to be her spiritual home. She lived here from 1974 – 1989 and taught judo and martial arts theory at the University of Santa Cruz and non-defensive Self Defense classes for Santa Cruz Women Against Rape.
She started doing readings at 12 years old when an astrologer told her that she should work with astrology professionally because he saw it indicated in her chart. And she believes that when we connect with our soul, we blossom.
Khaleghl.com Dr. Quinn’s astrology website
Here is the text of my dream that Khaleghl and I explored:
I am walking through snowy streets in the neighborhood where I grew up. The snow keeps caking on the bottom of our boots and making it hard to walk. I periodically find myself carrying big armfuls of snow and dump them to the side. I’m walking with my boyfriend and another man, maybe one of his friends. I’ve been walking for a long time but we are nearly home. Tired but happy to be home soon.
Ambient sound by Rick Kleffel
If you want to contact Katherine Bell with feedback or suggestions for future shows, contact katherine@ksqd.org
ExperientialDreamwork.com Katherine’s web page
You can access The Dream Journal program page here.